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The SAS macros and programs listed below, were found on discussion group
SAS-L or newsgroup comp.soft-sys.sas. They were developed by SAS users worldwide.
The authors are noted within the macro or program source.
There is a SAS Macro Tutorial written by
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Note: some SAS macros listed here,
need a specific name of a
subdirectory for creating
an output file. Please take a
look at the statements LIBNAME,
FILENAME, FILE, or %LET there.
The following list is sorted alphabetically by macronames. The scope of application is given, also the date and size information. The list is sorted alphabetically by macronames. You can also use a Search utility to search this collection.
Name | Date | Size [Kbyte] |
Description |
AGE | 15-Aug-96 | 0.750 | Formula for age calculation |
ANAL_LOG | 30-Nov-95 | 2.720 | This is a simple macro which reads saved SAS logs. It extracts information about downloads and keeps the information in a dataset. It then produces 4 graphs using this information and another graph (combining the 4 graphs on one page) is sent to the printer |
ANNOMAC | 15-Jan-88 | 14.530 | Annotate support macros |
BLCK-SEL | 17-May-96 | 0.224 | Shows how to select a block of a data set for printing |
CALCOMP | 08-Dec-93 | 0.630 | CALCOMP GDEVICE entry |
CAT2GSF | 24-Apr-96 | 1.890 | Generates graphic stream files |
CHECK | 31-Oct-95 | 2.726 | Checks the existence of a SAS data set and the existance of character variables |
CHEK-SAS | 22-Feb-96 | 2.097 | Checks whether numeric or character variable type |
CHK-DS | 25-Jul-96 | 1.407 | Checks the existance of an SAS data set and looks for number of observations. |
CHK-FILE | 12-Jul-96 | 1.100 | Checks the existance of a file. It works with SAS version 6.11 in Windows |
CHK-FN | 12-Jan-96 | 0.453 | Tests whether a file exists. It works with AIX 3.2 UNIX |
COLLIN | 07-Aug-95 | 6.632 | Multicollinearity diagnostics (TOL VIF COLLIN) |
COLORS | 13-Nov-95 | 1.790 | Displays colors |
COMMA | 07-Aug-95 | 1.580 | Produces an ASCII file from a given SAS data set with delimiter Comma |
CSV | 24-Nov-97 | 1.370 | Produces an ASCII file from a given SAS data set with delimiter Comma, values are also enclosed with quotes (for direct import into Excel) |
DATADOC | 31-Oct-95 | 8.110 | Documents SAS data sets |
DB-2-SAS | 08-Feb-97 | 4.729 | Converts dBase file into SAS data set (from SAS Institute BBS) |
DBTOSAS | 24-Apr-96 | 4.510 | Converts dBase file into SAS data set |
DECILE | 07-Aug-95 | 19.020 | Calculates decile shares etc. for |
DRAW | 07-Apr-95 | 0.440 | Draws a line (annotates data set) |
DT-DAY | 14-Jan-96 | 2.399 | Plots datetime format with truncated axis values |
DUMMY | 15-Jun-96 | 2.600 | Creates an SAS data set with dummy variables |
EASYTRIV | 31-Oct-95 | 9.760 | The essence of this macro is to skip the reformatting of the data to SAS data sets and to deal simply with sorted flat files for these basic operations |
EQUATE | 19-Apr-96 | 5.480 | Creates a GPLOT with distances equated on both axes |
EXC2SAS | 01-Feb-96 | 1.133 | Taking MS Excel data into SAS |
EXCtoSAS | 02-Jul-98 | 3.350 | MS Excel to SAS: workbooks with multiple worksheets |
FILENAMES | 31-Jan-97 | 1.700 | Getting date of filenames (UNIX) |
FLATOUT | 30-Mar-96 | 3.362 | Generates a tab delimited flat file from a valid SAS data set or view. The flat file is created in a default directory under the same name as the data set or view (lowercase in UNIX) with the extension '.txt'. (SunOS, SAS 6.11) |
FRM2HTML | 31-Mai-96 | 5.084 | Creates an HTML document from SAS format library |
GITTER | 24-Apr-96 | 3.450 | Creates annotates data set which puts grid lines on the map |
GRFTREE | 24-Apr-96 | 25.200 | Draws dendrogramms with output from proc CLUSTER |
GRID | 07-Aug-95 | 8.440 | Replays multiple graphs on a regular grid on one graph |
IRISVRML | 14-Nov-95 | 4.860 | SAS program which makes an VRML file from SAS |
ISMAP | 24-Apr-96 | 5.280 | An SAS program which generates input sensitive maps using SAS proc GMAP. If you have a map data set and this SAS program, you can make Web pages with that map and each object on the map can have a clickable link |
JUSTIFIED | 25-Jul-96 | 1.300 | Left, center, or right justify titles in ordinary SAS output |
KAPPA | 18-Oct-94 | 3.035 | Calculates the Kappa's Statistic |
MAKEATTR | 31-Oct-95 | 2.910 | Writes SAS codes to recreate data sets. Useful for inserting and modify variables |
MAKEDIR | 26-Jan-96 | 3.117 | Dynamically allocats directory |
MAKEFILE | 26-Jan-96 | 1.250 | Creates files with different filenames |
MAKEFMT | 26-May-94 | 5.218 | Creates FORMATS from SAS data sets |
MAKEFMT_T | 02-Jan-97 | 21.823 | This macro constructs source code for value formats and informats |
METATATE | 04-Nov-93 | 27.570 | Creates an annotate data set to reproduce graphics |
MOVE | 07-Apr-95 | 0.320 | Moves to a point without drawing a line (annotate data set) |
OVERLAY | 04-Dec-97 | 2.0 | SAS Graph Overlay for Proc GPLOT |
PAIRWISE | 24-Apr-96 | 17.400 | Creates a page of pairwise comparison plots. This macro only works for data sets with at least five continuous numeric variables to plot |
PERMU | 24-Apr-96 | 1.190 | Produces all permutations, only works for a string up to 9 characters long |
PERMUTE | 24-Apr-96 | 4.680 | Macro obtains the combinations and permutations of n items taken k at a time. Original source was published by SAS Communications |
PRINTG | 11-Feb-97 | 5.200 | Macro to setup graphic device parameters for writing to file or hard printing |
PROJECT | 20-Sep-97 | 2.55 |
Shows range of new undocumented map projections available in Proc Gproject (SAS/Graph) for version 6.12. |
RANK | 31-Oct-95 | 1.610 | The macro is essentially implementing |
REORDER | - | 0.126 | Shows, how to reord variables within an SAS data set |
SAS2EXCEL | 10-Feb-97 | 1.070 | Exporting SAS (win 6.11) data set to Excel |
SASTOEXCEL | 15-Jan-98 | 1.600 | Exporting SAS data set to Excel in Windows |
SAS-HTML | 20-May-96 | 12.600 |
Generates an HMTL table from an SAS data set (OBS column is also present) |
SAS2HTML | 11-Apr-96 | 4.760 |
Generates an HTML table from an SAS data set |
SAS2LaTeX | 15-Mar-96 | 44.336 | Generates LaTeX tables from an SAS data set, including formats, ... |
SAS2LaTX2 | 07-Oct-97 | 44.500 | Generates LaTeX tables from an SAS data set (other version) |
SASDBF | 31-Oct-95 | 7.790 | Converts dBase file into SAS data set (Ver 2.1) |
SASTO123 | 31-Oct-95 | 2.070 | Converts SAS data set into LOTUS 1-2-3 input |
SCALE01 | - | 2.076 | Scales each variable to range from Lo to Hi |
SCL_SCAN | 31-Oct-95 | 5.360 | Reads SAS AF catalogues and dumps its source code into ASCII files |
SHADED_B | 24-Apr-96 | 0.900 | Generates a shaded background |
SPLIT | 30-Mar-95 | 2.438 | Reads a record and then depending upon the value of a keyword, writes that record into an SAS data set whose name is the matching keyword value |
SPLTSAS | 10-Apr-95 | 8.601 | Partitions of SAS data sets |
STRCNT | 12-Dec-96 | 2.272 | Counts the number of words |
TOBIT | 15-May-97 | 1.000 | Estimating Tobit Model |
TODAY | 05-Jun-97 | 0.338 | Put today's date into a filename |
UNISTATS | 19-Nov-97 | 7.100 | Calculates univariate statistics and provides a dataset with one observation per variable, which allows an output similar to PROC MEANS |
USERID | 10-Apr-97 | 1.230 | Find out userid |
VARNUM | 07-Feb-96 | 0.771 | Looks for the number of variables in an SAS data set |
WEEK | 08-Apr-96 | 0.765 | Determines which week of the year |
WORD2SAS | 22-Jan-96 | 9.930 | Converts tables from MS Word 6.0 to SAS within MS Windows |
WORDWRAP | 22-Apr-96 | 7.123 | SUGI Programmers Toolkit Update |
XMACRO | 19-Apr-96 | 74.004 | Utility routines for proc-like macros |