Subject:      Re: SAS/EXCEL
From:         "Bruce Bradbury (remove deletethis from address)" 
Date:         1998/01/15
Newsgroups:   comp.soft-sys.sas

>Is there anyon who cal help me with how use the put statment to put som
>lines of text into excel's sheet?

You might find this macro of use.

%macro toexcel(infile=_last_,ws=sheet1);
  Takes a sas file INFILE and outputs it to the top-left
  corner of an excel worksheet WS.  Assumes that excel is
  running with the worksheet open.
* first put numbers of variables and cases into macro variables;
data _null_;
set &infile (obs=1) nobs=cases;
array all{*} _all_;
call symput('ncases',cases);
call symput('nvars',trim(left(dim(all))));
* write variable names to temporary file;
file temptox;
do i=1 to dim(all);
  put all(i)=;
file log;
* put variable names into macro variables;
data _null_;
infile temptox delimiter='=';
input name $ value $;
call symput(vnum,trim(name));

* setup link to excel worksheet to put out names;
filename tox1 dde "excel|&ws!r1c1:r1c&nvars" notab lrecl=10000 ;
* put names to worksheet;
data _null_;
file tox1 ;
put %do i=1 %to &nvars; "&&v&i" '09'x %end; ;

* link to output values;
filename tox2 dde "excel|&ws!r2c1:r%eval(&ncases+1)c&nvars" lrecl=10000;
data _null_;
set &infile;
file tox2;
put %do i=1 %to &nvars; &&v&i %end; ;
%mend toexcel;