
Subject: Re: Existance of a file
   Date: Fri, 12 Jul 1996 19:42:51
   From: DZepp1@gnn.com (David H. Zepp)
Organization: GNN
  Newsgroups: comp.soft-sys.sas

To All,

For those of you who are running SAS 6.11 you may want to try a messing 
with this macro ( set flags or whatever) that uses the new enhancements....

====> Running SAS 6.11 on Windoze95

                            -David Zepp



******** LOG ***********
MLOGIC(CHK_FILE):  Beginning execution.
MLOGIC(CHK_FILE):  Parameter FNAME has value c:\windows\desktop\report1.sas
SYMBOLGEN:  Macro variable FNAME resolves to c:\windows\desktop\report1.sas
MLOGIC(CHK_FILE):  %IF condition %sysfunc(fileexist(&fname)) is TRUE
MLOGIC(CHK_FILE):  %PUT The file &FNAME exits.
SYMBOLGEN:  Macro variable FNAME resolves to c:\windows\desktop\report1.sas
The file c:\windows\desktop\report1.sas exits.
MLOGIC(CHK_FILE):  Ending execution.

%macro chk_file(fname);
 %if %sysfunc(fileexist(&fname)) %then
  %put The file &FNAME exits.;
  %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());
