Looks for the number of variables in a SAS data set

| Christopher Zogby                         |
| SAS Programmer/Analyst                    |
| Pharmaceutical Outcomes Research, Inc.    |
| 435 Lawrence Bell Drive                   |
| Williamsville, NY 14221                   |
|   Phone: (716) 633-3463                   |
|     Fax: (716) 633-7404                   |
|       e-mail: chris@phor.com              |

%macro varnum(dsn);

  proc contents data=&dsn noprint out=_out_(keep=varnum);

  data _null_;
    set _out_ end=eof;
    if eof then call symput('varnum',trim(varnum));

%put Number of variables in data &dsn = &varnum.;

%mend varnum;
