This is an update of the Utility macro previously
placed on the SAS-L.  This one has an extra parameter
for LRECL.  Without it, the parameter defaults to whatever
is the LINESIZE option.  I have also added more info from
the metadata to the output listing. My apologies to
anyone who may have been inconvinienced.

Adam Hendricks
ICOS Corporation
Bothell, WA
adamhndrx@aol.com (AdamHndrx)


%* SAS Macro Program
%* SAS Version: 6.11 on SunOS 4.1.3 (UNIX)
%* Name: flatout.sas
%* Usage:
%*   %flatout(, , )
%* Global Macrovariables Generated: none
%* Parameters: 1 - Valid SAS libname
%*                 (Not required for WORK dataset or view)
%*             2 - Valid SAS dataset or view name (Required)
%*             3 - Record Length - LRECL parameter (Required)
%* Function: Generates a tab delimited flat file from a valid SAS dataset
%*           or view.  Flat file is created in default directory under
%*           the same name as the dataset or view (lowercase in UNIX)
%*           with the extension '.txt'.  Generates a SAS listing
%*           containing the following information for the output
%*           flat file:
%*             1. Column Number
%*             2. SAS Column Name
%*             3. SAS Column Type
%*             4. SAS Column Format
%*             5. Column Label
%* Limitations: - This *should* work on versions 6.07 or later on UNIX,
%*                Windows, VMS, or OS/2 platforms.  Should work on MVS
%*                if libraries are allocated with LIBNAME statements
%*                and not JCL or TSO statements.  No check was done
%*                to see what the proper EBCDIC code is for TAB. If it
%*                is not '9' then it must be changed in the output
%*                data _null_ section of the macro.
%*              - Tested on SAS v6.11 on SunOS 4.1.3 (UNIX) only.
%*              - Will overwrite any file of the same name as is described
%*                in 'Function:' section above.
%*              - Will generate an ERROR if unknown format is used in
%*                dataset or view AND the option FMTERR is in effect.
%*              - Will output dates and times in numeric format if proper
%*                format not applied to variable in source dataset.
%*              - Writes out one line per observation.  Subject to OS
%*                limits on record length.
%* Programmer: Adam Hendricks, ahendric@icos.com,
%*            (206)485-1900 ext. 2295
%* Date: 2/22/96
%* Update: 3/29/96 - Add LRECL parameter.
%*                   Added SAS column type and format to listing.
%*                   Updated header info and comments.
%macro flatout(lib, dsn, lrecl);

%* Declare local macrovariables *;
%local loclindx lib dsn fn lrecl reclen;

* Error checking *;
data _null_;
  * Grab input parameter to variable *;
  lib   = compress("&lib");
  lrecl = compress("&lrecl");

  * Default to WORK libname if none specified *;
  if lib = ' '
  then call symput('lib','WORK');

  * Check if LRECL is numeric *;
  if lrecl*1 = .
  then error "ERROR: LRECL parameter '&lrecl' is non-numeric.";
  else do;
         lrecl = floor(lrecl);
         call symput('lrecl', left(lrecl));

* Check to see if dataset or view actually exists. *;
proc sql noprint;
  select *
  from &lib..&dsn;

* Generate Local Macrovariables *;
data _null_;
  length lib dsn $8;
  lib = upcase(compress("&lib"));
  dsn = upcase(compress("&dsn"));
  call symput('lib', compress(lib)); * Libname *;
  call symput('dsn', compress(dsn)); * Dataset or View *;
  call symput('fn', compress(lowcase(dsn))); * Filename w/o extension *;

* Check number of observations in dataset or view. *;
* Call error if no observations found.             *;
proc sql noprint;
  select count(*) into :nobs
  from &lib..&dsn;

%if %eval(&nobs) = 0
%then %do;
data _null_;
  error "ERROR: SAS dataset or view '&lib..&dsn' has no observations.";

* Get metadata on SAS object *;
proc sql noprint;
  create table metadata as
  select varnum, name, type, format, label
  from dictionary.columns
  where libname = "&lib" and
        memname = "&dsn"
  order by 1;

%let vars = &sqlobs;

  * Correct LRECL parameter if too short *;
  select sum(length) into :reclen
  from dictionary.columns
  where libname = "&lib" and
        memname = "&dsn";

%if %eval(&lrecl) < %eval(&reclen)
%then %do;
  %put LRECL parameter increased from &lrecl to &reclen;
  %let lrecl = &reclen;

proc print data=metadata label noobs;
  title1 "Layout for Tab Delimited Text SAS Extract '&fn..txt'";
  title2 " ";
  title3 "Date: &sysdate  Time: &systime";
  var varnum name type format label;
  label name   = 'SAS Column Name'
        type   = 'SAS Column Type'
        format = 'SAS Column Format'
        label  = 'Column Label';

* Generate macrovariable array for data _null_ put statement *;
data _null_;
  set metadata end=eof;
    by varnum;
  call symput('name'||left(varnum), compress(name));
  call symput('format'||left(varnum), compress(format));

* Generate tab delimited flat file. *;
filename flat "&fn..txt";
data _null_;
  set &lib..&dsn;
  dlm = byte(9); * Tab ASCII Code *;
  file flat noprint lrecl=&lrecl;
%do loclindx = 1 %to &vars;
    &&name&loclindx &&format&loclindx
  %if %eval(&loclindx) < %eval(&vars)
  %then dlm;

* Sample usage program *;
options errorabend macrogen ls=128 ps=42;
proc sql;
  create table tables as
  select libname, memname
  from dictionary.tables
  where libname eq 'A951I'
  order by 1,2;

%let ntables = &sqlobs;

data _null_;
  set tables;
    by libname memname;
  call symput('lib'||left(_n_), compress(libname));
  call symput('dsn'||left(_n_), compress(memname));

%macro runit;
%do i = 1 %to &ntables;
  %flatout(&&lib&i, &&dsn&i, 500)

