
This is a simple macro which read SAS logs which have been saved. It
extracts information about downloads and keeps the information in a
dataset. It then produces 4 graphs using this information and another
graph (with the 4 graphs on one page) is sent to the printer.

Developed using SAS 6.11 under Windows 3.1 - could be easily changed
to analyse other information from the SAS Log (eg. CPU times for
various PROCS).

! Philip Mason                                             !
!     Freelance SAS Consultant                             !
!   & SUGI-21 Coders' Corner co-chair                      !
! 1 Pimm Court,  Glen Waverley,  Victoria,  AUSTRALIA      !
! Home: +61 (0)3 9886 1904        Work: +61 (0)3 9805 8109 !
! Mobile: +61 (0)414 221 482                               !

===> Macro

%macro anallog(file) ;
data download(keep=bytes rate time recs) ;
  length line $ 80 ;
  format bytes rate comma12. time 12.1 ;
  infile &file ;
  input line & $80. @ ;
  if line=:'NOTE' ;
  x=index(line,'transferred') ;
  if index(line,'transferred') then
    do ;
      input @7 bytes @ ;
      input @'at' rate ;
      input @'has' recs ;
      time=bytes/rate ;
      output ;
    end ;
run ;
%mend anallog ;

* Analyse the first log file ;

* Put the data in a central dataset ;
data logs ; set download ; run ;

* Analyse another log ;

* Add the data to the central dataset ;
data logs ; set logs download ; run ;

proc sort data=logs ;
  by descending bytes ;
proc print ;
run ;

* Delete any graphs already there ;
proc datasets lib=work ;
  delete gseg / mt=catalog ;
run ;
quit ;

* Set plot to be a joined line graph with plus signs marking points ;
symbol i=join v=plus ;

* Use a logarithmic axis to avoid crowding at lower end of axis ;
axis1 logbase=10 ;

* Plot response time and data transfer rate vs. #bytes ;
proc gplot data=logs ;
  plot time*bytes / haxis=axis1 ;
  plot rate*bytes / haxis=axis1 ;
run ;
quit ;

proc sort data=logs ;
  by descending recs ;
* Plot response time and data transfer rate vs. # observations ;
proc gplot data=logs ;
  plot time*recs / haxis=axis1 ;
  plot rate*recs / haxis=axis1 ;
run ;
quit ;

* Sent next graph to printer ;
goptions rotate dev=winprtm ;

* Combine the 4 graphs on one page ;
proc greplay igout=work.gseg nofs tc=sashelp.templt ;
  template l2r2 ;
  treplay 1:gplot 2:gplot1 3:gplot2 4:gplot3 ;
run ;
quit ;
goptions norotate dev=win ;
