actual Notes      mySQL & PHP    my Knowledge Base

If you will use my knowledge base  on WinXP, there must be in every PHP script at the top to declare all CGI-variables by the following script part:

while (list($key,$value) = each($HTTP_POST_VARS)) $$key = $value;


To select one desired knowledge base  table from a list of established tables -defined in tables.html- at startup and list all present messages or notes, use a link like:



My e-mail address was changed to:


There were all php scripts (and knowledge.html) updated and checked -if the $path variable is proper inuse. When the suggested Web path: /kb was not used, some trouble (Error: 404 page not found) could be happen during login with page knowledge.html.


All PHP scripts from the version 1.1 (25-August-2001) were slightly modified and has assumed the version 1.2:     to download as zip archive file:

The translation utility was checked and revised. A search could now be sent by pressing the return or enter key on windows platforms only -if the used Web browser supports key code events (IE >= 4 and NS >= 4).


There was a new version 1.1 released. This new version has a language translation utility page translate.php  to translate the Web page content into your preferred language other than the present languages (english or german).

A $charset option was included into the init file knowledge.ini.php and will also be sent to the browser by every Web page header. mySQL supports normally the charset other than the latin1 charset="ISO-8859-1" character set on Windows platforms (on Unix/Linux, I do not know). The content of a message for inserting into a knowledge base table could be in these languages with its charsets:


This new version has also an enhanced install utility. There were re-named the language & include files. All include files have now an additional file extension .php to load also the include files from php scripts on Web servers which have not allowed the file extensions: .inc or .ini or .english or .german or so. It's no more possible to load the ini file knowledge.ini.php into a Web browser and find out the user-id and password from the used mySQL server. The file permission to the ini files knowledge.ini.php and if present knowledge.ini_backup.php should be set to 660 after installation. If chmod is enabled on your Unix/Linux Web server for PHP scripts, the install utility will do it for you. All other unzipped files should be set with permission to 755 on Unix/Linux, WinNT, Win2000 and WinXP platforms.

The install utility is to call by install.html  via Web address (ie. http://localhost/kb/install.html). It provides some suggested values to set the my Knowledgebase init options and replaces these on init file. It checks the file permission and changes the permission -if necessary by the command chmod during installation for write access. This touches the Unix/Linux, WinNT, Win2000 and WinXP platforms only (not Windows 95/98).

Language files french were added (translated with my unassuming french) as draft.

Some Web pages will now be sent to the browser without caching (needs reloading of a page -if it's go back on browsing).

After installation, please remove these files: install.html, install.php and translate.php from your Web directory.


New installation script was added to install my Knowledge Base without editing the configuration file knowledge.ini.php. This script 'install.php' will be called by starting with the HTML page 'install.html' and modifies the configuration file 'knowledge.ini.php'. This new script and HTML page was inserted into the download zip archive file ''.


New configuration option was added in the file knowledge.ini.php to set a own name for the table admin:

// name of administrator table in the mySQL database $db
$admin      = "know_admin";

Some users wanted another table name for the administrator table name admin (there was some trouble on systems to install this tool, where the name admin was reserved).

If you have installed my Knowledge Base before and would like to upgrade by this version, define in the file knowledge.ini.php the admin option with your used admin table name "admin":

// name of administrator table in the mySQL database $db
$admin      = "admin";
30-June-2001, 6-July-2001

If a message includes a Web link like <a href=address>link</a> and should be inserted into a knowledge base, only unquoted addresses issuing a usable link in the message listing. A quoted address link like <a href="address">link</a> will not follow the link correctly on click.


There must grant permissions to a user of mySQL with the userid from the init file: knowledge.ini.php with privileges like: select, insert, update, alter, create, delete, drop, reload, index on tables and databases with grant option go from allowed hosts; see table mysql.user or ask your DBA of the mySQL server on your used system. During installation of mySQL, you will be asked for that userid and password and it will be assumed the necessary privileges to that userid by default. On multiple user systems, it is preferable to use a separate userid for that PHP & mySQL application with own privileges which are not the complete root admin privileges. For that, use INSERT & GRANT SQL statements on table mysql.user on your mySQL server to insert a new user for using as userid in file knowledge.ini.php.


Differrent language versions are available at present only in English and German; other languages could follow.


The mySQL & PHP scripts to build a Knowledge Base was offered now.

You can download all needed scripts and icons and include files as zip archive file: unzip all files into your desiered Web directory and configure this application by instructions included in the file readme.html. Install the PHP version 4 interpreter and mySQL database system, configure the Web server (aliases) and build your own Knowledge Base. This application could be also installed on a local machine to run on a localhost.


The structure on a mySQL server is for example:

    mySQL Server (with IP-Number or Host-Name)
     +--- database mysql (used by the mySQL server)
            +--- table user
            +--- <additional tables, like db, host, tables_priv>
        and for the database and tables for this tool:
     +--- database know  (is defined in file knowledge.ini.php)
           +--- table know_admin  (is defined in file knowledge.ini.php)
           +--- table howto  (is defined in file knowledge.ini.php)
           +--- <additional table, name used from file tables.html>
           +--- <additional table, name used from file tables.html>
     +--- <additional database with its tables>
     +--- <additional database with its tables>